Saturday, February 26, 2011

Grandma & Me


Little Miss Sunshine

Out with Grandma today having fun shopping.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Stroller Girl

Playing with the new stroller & dolly Grandma & Grandpa got for her. She likes the dolly and LOVES the stroller.


Juliet and I made it to Vegas after 8 hours, 2 planes and not sleep (at least for Mommy). We were able to get some rest today and are looking forward to a fun day out with Grandma tomorrow.

Here's Juliet relaxing in Grandpa's chair and having some dinner.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy 18 Month Birthday

Our little princess is a year and a half old today! To celebrate we're jetting off to Vegas to visit Grandma & Grandpa Thwing for a week....YAY!

We've been busy getting ready for the trip and haven't posted many pics this week. We'll be posting lots soon though so keep checking in.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Loving the park

Park Time

Socks & sneakers

Juliet trying to get her sock on and then putting Mommy's sneaker on.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Poor Baby Bumped Her Head!

We were taking a little morning walk before getting into the car and Juliet fell on the asphalt leaving this minor boo-boo :(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bath Time

Here she is with mud stuck to her forehead and in her hair......

Outdoors and loving it

Allen took JAK into the backyard last night. She got all dirty and muddy but had an absolute blast! It's still really soggy from the rain & snow but time to get it ready for the warm weather that's "hopefully" coming soon.

Monday, February 14, 2011


My sweetheart gave me these flowers this morning. What a lovely way to start the week. Thank you sweetie, Happy Valentines Day!

Funny Faces 2

Funny Girl!

Someone was having fun making funny faces this morning......

Who can resist this?

Sitting pretty and so proud of herself.

Climbing Girl

She's getting good at climbing up on things.....

Happy Valentines Day Daddy!

Juliet got all dressed up today, so Daddy could see her looking all pretty when he picks her up.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

At the car dealership

Picking the car up after an inspection, Juliet crawled up into this chair and made herself comfortable.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cutie Pie

Retro Mama Day Calendar

I thought this was funny, because it's so appropriate right now.

Happy Friday

It's been a long, crazy, cold week and finally it's Friday, YAY!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hi-ho, Hi-ho

Juliet finally woke up from her nap. She had a snack and got right back to coloring. (gotta love the printer cartridge box for a seat, and file box desk). After that a few of us braved the weather and walked to the mall for lunch. Then Juliet and I headed home so they could have some peace & quiet and get some work done. :)