Monday, January 31, 2011

New Stuff

Checking out her new little chair and playing with her new puzzle.

Daddy's Girl

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Penguin Away!

OMG, is this the cutest little suitcase you've ever seen? Oh, and yes, that is a matching mini backpack!

Juliet will be traveling I style thanks to this super sweet gift from Aunt Sue. Thank you Aunt Sue!

Off & climbing

She shimmies up, then slides back down.

I *heart* Daddy

Here we are after a tantrum over getting dressed. Ahhhh, toddlerhood........

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just ducky

Cozy & content with her duck towel & mom's make-up brush.

Hey, how you doin'?

Monday, January 24, 2011

A hit!

The couch cushions were a big hit. They loved climbing on them, and off, and on again, and off.......

And they became entrance with Elmo.

Play time!

Playing on a turned over table & eating grilled cheese, yum!

Play Date!

Juliet had West over this weekend and they had a blast playing together.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane....

Here's Juliet half awake after I had to get her up so we could go pick up Daddy at the airport. I thought she would fall back asleep in the car but she was so amazed seeing all the lights at night that she stayed awake almost the whole time. ð]


Last night before bed, Juliet found one of my headbands which I hardly ever wear. She knew exactly what to do with it and put it on her head. She kept making me put it back on her any time it fell off.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hello Kitty!

Juliet enjoyed doing some drawing today and used the Hello Kitty Popcorn for a stool.......and then proceeded to use it to climb all the way up on the table. .......and to think, we haven't even reached the terrible two's yet.....


Here's where Juliet has figured out how to climb on top of a Hello Kitty popcorn tub to reach more stuff.

Then we have her fitting herself into an end table......and lastly, do you see the Star Wars spatula in the third pic? That's because apparently it makes a better toy and never made it into the kitchen after Christmas. The force is strong with this one!


Juliet playing with her tambourine and with the "Zany Zoo" wooden cube we got her for Christmas.

Friday, January 14, 2011