Friday, December 31, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

New To Me

In early December we were in an accident after a car turned in front of us, hitting us head on. It wasn't our fault and aside from some bumps and bruises we're ok (and thank goodness Juliet wasn't in the car).

Today we got our "new to us" car. Nothing fancy but it's nice to have a car again. New car for a new year.

Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year's Eve!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas To All.....

......and to all a good night.

New Books & Toys

Really enjoying her new books and toys.

New Wagon

Out and about in the new wagon.

Memory Lane

Sometimes Christmas can be a walk down memory lane. Thank you Dad :)

Out of this world pancakes

We tried out Allen's new Star Wars pancake molds. They didn't look exactly like the ones in the catalog, but they sure were tasty!

Down for the count

1...2....3....Daddy's down!

The aftermath

Boxes & paper everywhere and no rest to be had as Juliet climbs on top of us while we try to take a moment.

Reading new books

Daddy and JAK reading a new book together.

Toys, toys, toys

Yup, that's a mini dirt devil vacuum and she LOVES it, lol.

Looking Good!

Checking out her new ride

Ohhhhhh, shiny and red!

New Cabbage Patch Baby

YAY, her first Cabbage Patch Doll. It wasn't even out of the box and all she kept saying was "bay-bee, bay-bee".

Tiggers Bounce

This gift is from Great Grandma Shattuck (thank you Grandma :) and was not only an instant hit but one of the first gifts we opened. Once she got playing with it, it was hard to get her into anything else. I'll try getting and posting a video of her dancing wit it later today.

The Night Before Christmas

Before we went to bed I snapped this pic of the tree. We're in such a small space, it's amazing how many packages are stuffed under there.

See you soon Christmas morning.