Friday, October 29, 2010

Freaky Friday

Since it's almost Halloween I tried to dress JAK in the appropriate colors today. Here she is looking cute while feeding/torturing the dogs with cheerios.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chillin with Mommy

Juliet actually sat still for a few minutes with me last night. We just sat together and watched some Wonder Pets. It was really nice.

Then she was off again to play and torture the cat ;)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

After Shot

Juliet was great at the Dr. She didn't cry at all when they gave her the shot. What a little trooper!

Here we are after the shot, headed to daycare. She's exhausted but resisting a nap.

First Art Project

She was very interested in Mommy's pen & highlighter. This is the first time she's drawn anything.

I'm totally gonna frame this!

Fun in Mommy's Cube

Playing with office supplies & trying to break out of my makeshift FedEx baby gate.

Holding Down the Fort

No, it wasn't take your daughter to work day, but I still took mine. Jak had to get a flu shot this morning so to save myself a few trips back and forth, I decided to take her in with me for a few hours.

She had so much fun walking and crawling around the office and being super-duper cute for all my co-workers. She hammed it up but good!

She liked hanging out in Mommy's chair and really liked post-it's!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting into the spirit

Halloween is upon us, so I figured an orange and black outfit would be fun.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who's that girl?

Poor Juliet, she's had a cold all weekend and in this pic that Daddy took, her eyes and nose are all red.

I can't believe how big she looks here.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Slippers!

So cute I can't take it!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Girl loves her Mac-n-cheese!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Use

We found a new use for the Baby Boppy.....It's now a Toddler Lazyboy.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


Once in the car, dunzo.

More weekend fun

We stopped by the zoo yesterday but didn't stay long. Juliet had fun walking around in the grass. I can't believe she's walking now. She's getting better and faster every day.

Weekend Stuff

Here's Juliet out grocery shopping.

Later that night I went over to my friend Heather "D'Bomb's" house to make Halloween Death Wreaths. I'll try to get a better pic of it once hanging on the door.

There's baby West, texting all his baby friends.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Friday!

Looking cute and brushing teeth (well, chewing her tooth brush).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


When Juliet gets tired she likes a blankie over her head. She was tired in the car and found this one and covered her head with it and shortly after fell asleep.

The last pic is her modeling one of her new winter hats for Uncle Jeremy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kids checking out kids

One Cool Cat


Picking out little gourds for the house.

Hey is for horses

Two cool kids


JULIET: This is the best pumpkin eve....oh my goodness, giant doggies! Doggies, doggies, doggies!

Her favorite word is doggie and every animal she sees she screams "doggie".


Looking forward to Juliet being old enough to enjoy the carny rides.

Early Morning

We started our morning early today and headed out to the pumpkin patch/petting zoo. It started out pretty chilly but warmed up and we all had a lot of fun.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Juliet taking Mommy for a walk...

New Toy Box

Our friend and co-worker Lisa found out I was looking to buy Juliet a toy box to help keep toys contained in the living room. Turns out she had one at home from when her daughter was little and offered to GIVE it to us!

How super awesome and sweet was that - and we are LOVING it. Thank you Lisa, you ROKK!