Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Morning Playtime

Juliet was all about playing with her airplane this morning. If she can't get to the back, she'll just steer from the front.

Juliet & West

J & W had a lot of fun playing together last night. Every time W picked something up to play with, J wanted it too. But there was no fighting or crying, just lots of sharing and fun.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bundle of Joy

Here's Juliet and I at Target this morning. She started getting tired and fussy so I had her lay down in the cart (in the super cute cart cover Grandma Thwing made) and she was much more comfortable.


Juliet ate Spaghetti-O's last night and got the sauce all in her hair and all over everything else. Uh-Oh Spaghetti-O!

Friday, August 27, 2010


And finally, here's where Juliet stops crying all together, sits back in her chair to eat the fry and looks at me thinking *sucker*.

How could anyone resist that face?

Mommy Gives In

Here's Mommy giving in and letting her have the fry......

Mildly Upset.....

Juliet was none too happy last night when I sat down to eat french fries while she was supposed to be eating her carrots. Saying she wanted a fry is an understatement.....she HAD to have a fry!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My sweet girl

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho.....

Once again it's off to daycare and work we go. Lately it seems the only pics of Juliet I can get are when she's strapped into her carseat. It's the only time she's sitting still.

This Cheerio is fascinating!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday Morning


More Birthday Pics

Random Birthday Pics

These are probably going to be out of order but I wanted to share them all and get them on the blog as fast as I could.  I hope you enjoy!

Happy Birthday Juliet - And Now......

And here we are now......enjoying your first birthday!

Happy Birthday Juliet - One Year Ago......

She was so little then.........

Happy Birthday Juliet

Dear Juliet,
We love you more than words can say. You have made this year so special and so much fun. We can't wait to see all that the coming year brings. You are our sunshine, you are our heart.
All our love,
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, August 23, 2010

Still loving it....

Still getting used to the new carseat. We all like this much better :)

The Force.....

The Force is strong in this one.......

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

It's been a wonderful Birthday day. Allen took Juliet and I out to breakfast and then we went and did some shopping.

Later in the day Allen got a babysitter so we could have a date night to go see a movie and then go to dinner. The best part.....we brought home chocolate nachos for dessert.

Life doesn't get much better.

Kick'en It

Here's Juliet kick'en it in her fancy new forward-facing car seat. We weren't sure how she would react but so far she's loving it!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Quick Change

Funny how things can go from great to not-so-great when your dealing with a tiny little person. Here's Juliet this morning, one moment happy as can be, and then......snap! Not so happy any more. Quick change JAK.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


"Someone" decided to wake up super early this morning (between 4-5am). Once that happens I know I'm not going to get any sleep either so baby and I were up early playing and baking cupcakes for Daddy.

By the time we were off to daycare, Juliet was so tired, fussy and ready for a nap.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

To the best Daddy in the whole-wide-world. I love you and hope you have a great Birthday!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making Faces

Juliet was having fun making faces at me while I was pumping gas this morning.