Friday, July 30, 2010


Then she found her snack cup filled with Cheerios. She continued to eat those until we left for the babysitters.

TGIF everyone!

Morning Snack

Not too many pics to share this morning. We had a big storm last night and this morning we were running late.

I snapped these (blurry) pictures as Juliet was eating her mini-pancakes. She ate the first one, one bite at a time. But the second one, she folded in half and shoved it in her mouth. Nice, lol.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Morning Playtime

She's really into the jumbo leggo's too. Well, into chewing on them.....

Push push push!

Such Fun

When Grandpa & Grandma were in town they gave Juliet her 1st birthday gift early and boy oh boy does she love it. It's a little airplane push/ride toy. Thanks G & G!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back for more........

And away she goes......

Not that kind of Donut!

Donut Ring

I kept putting them on Juliet's head and she wasn't sure what to do.

Fuzzy but funny

Most of these pictures are fuzzy but I'm posting them anyway. I can't get Juliet to sit still long enough to get a sharp picture these days, lol.

We were having fun last night with the "donut rings".

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Bubbles

It was too hot o go out over the weekend so this provided us with some fun indoor entertainment. She's so excited!


I bought a bubble gun over the weekend and Juliet LOVES it!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Daddy's Garden

Allen's garden is doing great. We picked all these tomatoes today and Juliet loves them.

Memo to Daddy


So fast......

Juliet is 11 months old today. Before we know it she's going to be a year old and doing even more awesome and amazing things. It all goes by so fast......

Friday, July 23, 2010

So that's where......

"Mommy said that's where Grandma and Grandpa live"

A balanced dinner

Green beans, cucumber and toasty O's.......not sure if it's a well balanced meal but she loves the finger food.

Love'n the cucumber

Juliet's munching on one of the cucumbers her daddy grew in his garden. Mmmmmm fresh veggies!

Super Duper Cuteness

Here's Grandpa holding onto Juliet while walking around the Wright Bros. memorial. I love this picture.

A little help

Grandpa helping Corrie put her plane together.

Alex & Grandpa

Here they are flying little wooden planes in the back yard.

What's going on here?

Not sure what was going on here, but I think it has something to do with a water balloon fight :)

Big Girl

Juliet wants to check out Corrie's cool purse.

Sweet Cousins

Corrie helping Juliet read her book.


Grandpa and his grandkids.

Gimme some tots!

It's hard to see but if you look close you can see that Juliet has a mouth full of tater tots. While I was eating she leaned in and faster than I knew what was going on had swiped and stuffed the whole tot in her mouth.

Road Trip

We stopped at a Sonic during our road trip down to the Wright Brothers memorial. Before eating my burger I took off the tomato which Juliet grabbed to munch on.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A helping hand

Here's Corrie helping JAK walk around the living room.

Alex looking cool

The shirt says it all ;)

Airplane Ride!!!!!!!


Grandpa & JAK

Just hanging out together

Mall Hopping

Here's JAK during one of our mall excursions. We had just gotten her first professional pictures taken.

New Toy

Here's Juliet playing with one of the new toys G & G brought for her. (I love the look on her face here).

Hi & Goodbye

We took Grandma and Grandpa to the airport yesterday and they're now safe and sound back in Las Vegas. It was such a great trip, we're sorry it had to end, we miss them already.

I'm going to be posting more pics throughout the next few days, starting now so keep checking back.

We miss & love you G & G Thwing.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tuckered Out

So tired.....she fell asleep with her dolly.

Looking Cute

Grandma found some cute headbands that Juliet doesn't seem to mind wearing.


Later that night, everyone was tired but not yet ready to sleep. When I came down the stairs, this is what I found. Four peas in a pod. All giggling and having fun just like a good ol'fashioned sleepover.

Blurry But......

I had to put this picture up even though it's kinda blurry.

Seeing my Dad pushing JAK in a stroller.....priceless.

And baby too!

Had to take this to show Juliet later that she's been there.

It was far away!

We ended up driving to the bottom of the hill and walking from there. It was a hot hot day and with a baby in tow, sometimes you have to do things the easy way.

Totally worth the uphill hike, this memorial was HUGE-and what a view!


It doesn't look that far away......

Alex & Grandpa

Here's Alex and Grandpa at the Wright Brothers #4 marker.

Enjoying some time together

Juliet enjoyed hanging in Grandpas arms.

Air Museum

Hanging with Grandpa

Corrie and Juliet

Corrie loves playing with Juliet.

Road Trip

We took a toad trip down near Kitty Hawk to see the air museum where the Wright brothers first took flight. The drive down was a 4 hour nightmare, but it was an adventure and we all had a good time.

Need I say more......

Will play.....

While the Grandparents are in town, the parents will play.

Allen and I took advantage of having the Grandparents in town and went out to catch a movie and some dessert. When you don't get out often, you have to make the most of when you for dessert, we went all out. Choco-Nachos from Cheesburger in Paradise. If you've never had them, I suggest you try them at least once, you won't regret it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Passed Out!

End of the road

By the end of the day, Juliet was wiped out. She fell asleep in the car with her new toy.