Monday, May 31, 2010

Had enough

Juliet's teeth were hurting, she was tired and hot. She curled up with
Daddy and cried a bit to let us know she had enough fun and was ready
to go home.

It was a fun day......wish we could have a few more days off

Starting to get tired

Wading in the water with Daddy

Happy Memorial Day Daddy. Thank you for all you do!

Getting a feel for the water

Sand is crazy!

Day of firsts.....

Today we noticed that one of Juliet's top teeth just broke through AND
that two more top teeth are days away from also breaking through.

Later in the day to celebrate her first Memorial Day, we went to a
friends house for BBQ and then across the street for her first beach

She mostly liked walking in the water but wasn't sure what to make of
the sand.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Worn out

After a trip to the bookstore and then a stop at Lowes, someone just
couldn't stay awake any longer.


She was such a good girl and everyone in the restaurant oohed and
awwwed at her. She also got to try pancakes for the first time.


We went out to breakfast this morning and Juliet got to use the cart
cover and sit in a high chair like a big girl. We also got to try out
her new big girl placemat.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

End of the trip

By the end of our excursion, Juliet had made herself very comfortable.

Yes, I said I love this dolly!

Don't touch my dolly Mommy!

Little Doll

Juliet loves the little doll-she threw it around like a little rag
doll and chewed the heck out of it. Very excited.

Cart Cover

Grandma Thwing made Juliet a cart cover for when we're out shopping.
Here we are trying it out along with the little doll she made to go
with it.

Who's that baby in the mirror?

While out shopping this morning we came across a 3 way mirror. Juliet
wasn't quite sure what to make of all the babies staring back at her.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Fun with Photos

Pick me up, pick me up

Today's theme-
Pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, pick me
up, pick me up......

Sleeping Beauty

I just have to wonder how she managed to get "funny bunny" on top of
her like that.....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One last picture

A quick pic of us girls before we head out the door.

I saw a puddy tat!

She just heard the cat meow.

She loves that cat - the feeling is not mutual.

All dressed and ready

We're all dressed and ready to hit the road.

I'm not asleep....

I'm just resting my eyes.....really.......

Starting to wear down

Is it nap time already?

Play time?

After her morning bottle, she's ready to play!

Start the day.....

When I went in to get Juliet this morning she was quietly sitting up
in the corner of her crib chewing on her paci.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Veggies for everyone!

Mr. Gardener

Allen tending to his garden. Check out those carrots sprouting up.

It's the little things

We buy babies so much to play with these days, sometimes it's the
simple things they enjoy most.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I wanna stay home and play!

I'm singing in the rain.......

As you can see by her face, Juliet was none too happy with me this
morning. She's been feeling better and just wanted to play, play,
play. When I put her in the car seat, she made it very clear to me
that she was not thrilled.

It's been really rainy the last few days so Juliet is wearing the
super adorable raincoat that Grandma Thwing got for her while down in Florida visiting with Aunt Sue, Aunt Trudy and Great Grandma Shattuck. Hello to all of you, we love and miss you! XOXOXOXOX

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Playing Games

Both daddy & daughter relaxing on the couch playing games.

Teething Time

Poor baby, she's teething and not feeling so hot today.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Photo Fun

Happy Friday!

It's finally here, it's finally arrived. If we can just make it
through the day, we'll all survive.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mothers Day Again

One of my MD gifts had not arrived by Sunday but it came in last
night. This is the most wonderful gift a Mom could ask for. A Mother/
Daughter necklace with our names stamped in. Thank you sweetheart.