Sunday, January 31, 2010


Somebody thinks it's funny!!!

3 dogs in the snow

We let our 3 crazy dogs out for a bit to play in the snow. They loved

Coolest baby on the block

Snow Day

Out running errands. So bright from the snow that we're all wearing
our shades today.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Relaxing with Daddy

A Baby Milestone

Holding her own bottle!


Not just holding it, but moving it around to get the milk!!!

Holding her own bottle!!!

Mommy's little snow angel

Baby's First Snow

"I don't think I like this daddy!"

Snow, snow, on the ground.......

I didn't think it was really going to snow today. Obviously, I must
now eat my words...... It's coming down out there!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Nap Time

She likes sleeping with the blanket over her face, lol.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I just found this picture. It was taken at a friends wedding last

Early Morning

So we survived our first night in the house since they started
demolition. Here's Juliet chilling in her car seat while Mommy runs
around trying to get us out of the house on time.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Now that's a Dumpster!

The giant dumpster is for the demolition of the first floor of our
house. After the big flood a few months ago, we're finally getting
things repaired. It's going to be awesome when it's done, but it's
going to be rough going until then.

All Tuckered Out

All that playing finally wore her down.....


Juliet kept herself entertained yesterday while Allen and I worked
hard to get the house ready for the contractors who are coming today.

Looke at those lovely chubby legs!

Pure sugar!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl


Today Juliet is 5 months old! 5 months! Everyone tells you that it
goes by fast but wow, you have no idea just how fast.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

All Tuckered Out

So hard to choose!

Which one to get?

Little Helper

Helping Mommy & Daddy pick out a new over the oven microwave at Lowes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Such a Ham

Juliet is starting to understand hamming it up for the camera. Before,
I would pull it out and she would get curious or frustrated, now when
she sees it, she giggles and starts making all kinds of crazy faces.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let's Go Mommy!

Juliet was ready to go this morning all bundled up in her too-cute sweater that she's already growing out of :( and her little knit cap...which is also getting a tad tight. 
They grow up so darn fast (cue the sad violin music)

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Looking in the Mirror

Juliet is really starting to like seeing her reflection in a mirror.
We were playing for a few minutes before leaving the house when I
snapped this pic of the two of us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Playtime before Bedtime

Hi Juliet

"Hi Juliet, it's so very nice to see you again, are you comfortable in
you box?"

Hoss is such a Gentleman, he kept checking on Juliet and trying to
hold her hand.

Two babies : Two Boxes

It's been awhile since I've gotten to visit my good friend Heather and
little West, aka "Hoss". She had two boxes that fit the two babies
perfectly. It was so sweet to see them together again.


I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm red-eddy-eddy-eddy.

I'm really glad it's Friday, but now I need for the day to be over

New Video

I meant to post this the other day but got sidetracked (work is
seriously cutting into my blog time darn it! :)

Soda Run

I've been drinking too much coffee, am tired of water and felt like
something fizzy. The catch.......if I wanted a soda it meant making
myself walk down and then back up the 16 flights of
stairs to get to it. Done and done.

It took so much work though that I almost don't want to drink

"crack, pop, fizz.......gulp, gulp, gulp".

Ahhhhh, I'm a Pepper.

Sleepy Baby In a Daze

Animal Socks

I was looking for some matching socks to pit on her and came across
these super cute ones she got from Uncle Jeremy & family for
Christmas. So cute!

First Sweatshirt

I forgot that I had bought this sweatshirt for JAK and wanted to get
it on to her as soon as possible since she's growing so fast these
days. Most of her 3-month clothes are being put away and I'm breaking
out more of her 6-9 month stuff. It's sad to see that stuff go but it
also means new clothes to dress her in, yeah!

That smile makes my morning!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Giggly Girl

Sorry this video is so dark but it was too cute not to share.

WHAT did you say?

Chilling with Daddy

Relaxing together :)

Moven' and shaken'

Juliet is getting really active these days. As you can see by the pic,
she no longer wants to sit in her chair but tries to stand up. We
think she'll be rolling over in no time.


If only we could have stayed home and snuggled......

Polka-dot Girl

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Decent Breakfast

I recently started the Weight Watchers diet and I have to say so far
it's been AWESOME!
I get 29 food points each day and this breakfast which more than
filled me up is only 6 points. The English muffin and cream cheese
spread are both Weight Watcher brands but taste great. I've been
eating their frozen lunch/dinners too and they are also really good.

Now if I can just find the time to work out.......

Baby steps :)

Wake up......

Someone did not want to get up this morning.....could that be because
she was up late keeping Mommy on her toes????

Monday, January 4, 2010


She's a tad small for it but still very interested in all the
activities. I think she'll grow into it in no time.

On the agenda.....

I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon pitting this activity
center together. Pics to follow......wish me luck.

It's OVER!

Baby did great, she only cried a little bit and got a couple Garfield
bandaids. Mommy didn't cry either :)