Saturday, November 28, 2009


Here's Juliet wearing her first pair of jeans. It only took her 5
minutes to puke all over them and need an outfit change.


I know this pic and video are really dark but I had to post anyway.
Juliet was so happy sitting up next to daddy and was cooing away.
She's getting more talkative every day.

Sittin Pretty

When I got home this evening Allen had Juliet propped up sitting next
to him on the couch.....they were so cute.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Morning Video Cuteness

After Shopping Nap

After a few stores it was time to come home to eat and nap. Daddy and
Juliet are napping while Mommy enjoys a little quiet time and enjoys
some coffee and pie.

How I Roll

This is the best way to roll during black Friday shopping.


Look who I found this morning....all smiles and kicked out of her

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mommy and Me

Juliet and I resting after our big meal.

This year I have so much to be thankful for. My wonderful husband, a
loving family, great friends and most of all, Juliet. The best, most
beautiful baby in the whole wide world.

I dont know how I ever got so lucky, and I give thanks a thousand
times over.


Home Grown

Thanksgiving dinner appetizers, Allen's home grown baby carrots. Mmm
mmmm mmmm.

This is the way......

This is the way you spend Thanksgiving.........


With Love

Happy Thanksgiving Video

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mmm'mmmmm good

And they're mighty tasty too!


Ok, these aren't really osh-kosh overalls, but they are super cute.
These are the ones Grandma and Grandpa got her in Vegas (notice the
little airplane patch on the front :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Princess Juliet

Here's Juliet wearing the bib Grandma Thwing made for her.

Sheriff Hoss

Here's baby West wearing the Sheriff Hoss bib that Grandma Thwing
made. Heather was so excited when I gave it to her. What a cutie he is!

Fun with Toy Bar

We added the toy bar back to the vibrating chair now that Juliet is
starting to play with things. To get the music to play all you have to
do is touch the end of this video she flails hard
trying to get theusic back. So funny!

Take a ride.....

Her first go around in the Bumbo seat. She liked it for about 7
minutes, then she had had enough.


First time in her Bumbo chair

A girl and her bunny


Friday, November 20, 2009

Morning Fun

This is MY bunny

Playing with the bunny that Grandma Thwing got for her. Those ears
are quickly becoming her latest chew/teething toy.


We are sooo happy that it's Friday!

Little Piggies

Very interested in those little feet down there.......

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ol Blue Eyes

This isn't the greatest picture but I'm posting it anyway because it
shows off Juliets big blue eyes.

Sorry there havent been many posts lately. Between the house being a
disaster after the flood and work and trying to finish things at
Massage school, I just haven't had as much time. Thanksgiving is
coming up though so keep checking then for new fun pics.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mommy's Angel

Little Helper

We set Juliet's swing up in the garage so she could be around us while
we cleaned.

Target Run

Turns out that just because there's a flood, babies still need

So Juliet and I took a break from cleaning to do a little shopping.

Rain rain, go away......

So the weekend is coming to a close and we are spent. How did we know
that it was getting bad, things in the house started floating, lol.

We've spent the last three days cleaning up the house and while things
are not good, they could have been, and are worse for a lot of other

Nothing got ruined that can't be replaced and we're all safe and
sound.......very tired but safe and sound :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

That was swinging!

Home Today

It's raining so hard today that it's flooded everywhere around
Virginia Beach. On the good side, I'm home with Juliet today :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Man - Han Solo

Locked in Carbonite


The evening was hosted by Anthony Daniels, the actor who portrayed C3PO.

I am Chewbacca...I am a Wookie

Your lack of faith is disturbing....

Star Wars

Before the concert there was a Star Wars Exhibit with real props &
costumes from the movie. There were tons of people there so we just
snapped pictures when we could.

"Arent you a little short to be a Storm Trooper"?

Star Wars Concert

Our seats at the Symphony

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Super Awesome STAR WARS

This was he most awesome Symphony Concert I've ever been to. It was
hard to believe it was live, it sounded amazing. John Williams, you
are a genious and Mr. George Lucas.....there are no words to
describe....except that YOU ROCK!!!!!!!


Juliet has been pulling her head up lately......but she sometimes gets

Lazy Sunday Morning

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Party Girls

Here's Juliet and I at the birthday party. Juliet was so good all
afternoon. :)

So cute!

Party Girl

Here's Juliet all dressed up to go to our friend Collins 1st birthday.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


Our sweetie pie


My baby can't help but get all emotional when she has to say good-bye...  :(


My poor baby...  This was taken after we had just dropped Juliet off for her first day at Day Care...
Baby did OK...  Mom, not so much...

First Days

Here's Juliet and I this morning. It's my first day back to work and
her first day of daycare :(

So far, she's doing fine, me on the other hand, I'm a mess and
anticipate today being the longest day EVER.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby talk

This is the cutest video, but please ignore my baby talk (it's
required to get her to smile).

So hard.....

So I go back to work tomorrow. I know I should be happy but how can I
be when I'll be missinflg this face all day long!

Uh oh....

Mommy got a new photo app on her, fun :)