Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sooooo Sleepy

She wants to go to sleep so bad.....

Baby Juliet Sings

I Am T-Pain by Smule: Only on iPhone

Listen to my latest recording:

Baby Juliet Sings

This track was created
I Am T-Pain
for the iPhone

Leaf Trombone: World Stage

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally back home and happy!

Finally we made it home where we both got to rest and eat. Mommy's
little angel.

After the tests

Because of the tests, Juliet couldn't eat all morning long. By the
time we left the hospital she was so tired and hungry and though she
didn't cry, she was not happy.

Some tests

So Juliet was having some issues throwing up everything she was
eating. Her Dr. decided to do some tests to be safe, the first being a
tummy ultrasound and the second being this one that checks her GI tract.

She did great for the Dr.'s and it turns out everything is fine, she
just has reflux.

What a little trooper!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mommy got a new iPhone App!

I found another picture app that I just had to have. They are so much
fun and produce such cool pictures. I love this one of Allen and

Chilling with Grandma

Here's Juliet enjoying some time with her Grandma Wallis.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two body guards

Another dog has joined the ranks of baby watch dog......


Trying to clean house but Juliet wants to be held this morning.
Finally decided to pull out the stroller to put her in so she can see
mommy as I clean. As I was vacuuming, I looked over to see the dogs
sitting right next to her making sure she was safe. So cute.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Headed to the Zoo

Today we took the babies to the zoo. Here they are right before
getting packed up.
Be sure to scroll down all the way and check the next page to see all
the pictures. We had a lot of fun and got some great exercise.

Juliet and her goofy looking Mom

Fun at the Zoo

Mr. Peacock


Pictures don't do these animals justice.

Mama Lion and Her Cubs

Mr. Elephant at the Zoo

Say Whaaaat?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daddy & Juliet

After dinner Juliet tends to get fussy and the only thing that will
sooth her.......Daddy!


I was finally able to get Juliet into this carrier. The last time I
tried she screamed bloody murder. Now with two free hands I'm going to
go make myself some lunch, Whoo-Hooo!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Little Bunny FuFu

Sleepy shopper

While West was having fun trying on cowboy clothes, Juliet was kicking
back taking a nap giving Mommy a break.

Wild West Rides Again

Juliet's best friend West gets his "Hoss" on with this super cool
cowboy hat.

Dueling Babies

Heather and I were on our daily walk when both babies decided to start was too funny!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kitty bath

Well that's one less thing I have to worry about-seems kitty already
knows where to go to get her bath. Good Kisa!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Billy Goat Gruff

This little goat watched from above as we said goodbye and headed for
home. Whew, that was a fun morning!

And more pumpkins.....

There were pumpkins

There were goats!

Farmers Market

In the pumpkin patch at the farmers market. What a great day.

Trader Joe's

The little ones at Trader Joe's. It's a lot easier to shop as a team
when babies are involved.


Heather and I are using this great weather to get our walk on in he
mornings. Here's baby West and Juliet ready to rumble.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Uncle Jeremy

We went to visit Uncle Jeremt today. He and Juliet had a good time


Chilling in her sling, blowing bubbles.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Say Cheese!

New photo app

So mommy got a new photo app on her phone.....just another reason to
take more pictures of my sweetie.


Fun with photos


And here's Daddy

Here's Daddy, fast asleep.....


Here's Juliet looking on as her Daddy takes a much needed nap after
pulling Daddy duty all morning.

Little Cocoon

Here's Juliet in her new bouncy chair, all wrapped up in a cocoon and
ready to sprout butterfly wings.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Happy Buffet

We don't have a picture but tonight we went out to dinner for the
first time since having Juliet. She was great and slept through most
of dinner and didn't cry once. Yea to going out to the "Happy
Buffet"....I had missed you.

Cristy W.

Lounging Around

Relaxing Day

Enjoying a cuddle with my girl.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Still learning to use her pacifier......


Finally Juliett is getting more comfortable with a paci. This is great
news for the ta-ta's since she's a soother nurser.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Water Baby Video

There may have been a problem with the original posting of this video
so I'm reposting it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009