Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rainy Morning

It's a cold rainy morning. Perfect for staying home and snuggling with

Hush little baby......

Someone's tired

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


She loves her bottle and is starting to hold on to it. So cute.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

First Bites

Here's Juliet taking her first bite of rice cereal.  The girl likes to eat and had no problem what-so-ever.  Though I think most of it ended up on her bib than in her mouth, still it was a good first try!

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

New High Chair

And here's Juliet trying out her new high chair.  She's likes it a lot but is still a little small for seen by how small she looks when we put the tray onto the chair.  In the end we decided she's better off without the tray for now.  Soon she'll be eating her first real food...rice cereal and milk.  They grow up so fast........ :)

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Bunny Slippers

Here's Juliet showing of her fancy Bunny Slippers that Grandma Wallis sent her. 

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After Christmas Good Mornings

Friday, December 25, 2009

Say Whaaaaaaat!

Holy Santa Batman, look at all those gifts!

Ducky Puppet

Awake and talking away

Daddy and his girl

Passed out cold!

Warm and fuzzy

Love this baby scarf!

Fishy fishy

An awesome present from her big brother Alex :)

All rainbows and sunshine!

Tired already!

Our little elf!


Soooo which presents are for me?

Hi Mommy & Daddy!

Wide Awake & Ready for Presents!

Best Gift Ever!

This is the best Christmas gift we could ask for. Such a pretty little

Our Christmas

Wow, Santa was so good to us!


For the Star Wars fans that have everything, a baby shirt for Juliet.
Thank you Big Dave and Andrew!

Christmas Aftermath

Here's our livingroom after opening all our wonderful gifts. Now we're
taking a break for breakfast and will load more fun pics after.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Corrie Christmas

Here's Corrie opening the Project Runway craft kit we got her. She's
growing up so fast!

Christmas Eve

Went over to Jeremy's house to say hi and exchange gifts for the kids.
They got Juliet a whole box full of goodies and we took more pics
which hopefully we'll be able to post soon.

Juliet gets startled

What is startling Juliet........Allens hand, lol.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Out Shopping

She's already worn out!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

FINALLY! I'm off from work so I got to sleep in a little and as of
last night, we finally got a little tree up. Because of the flood
situation awhile ago, we haven't been able to do much in the way of
decorating, but this little tree, and a few presents to and from
people we love....we're set :)

Now I just have to get myself and JAK ready so we can go do some last
minute shopping.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way.......

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa's Coming.....


Juliet was not happy to be in her car seat this morning. Lucky for us,
tomorrow starts our Christmas vacation so no more daycare till Monday.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009


This is the look she gives when Mommy quacks like a duck trying to get
her to smile.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cold Mornings......

We've made it to Thursday, whew! Sorry there haven't been more pics
lately on he blog. I'm finishing up my intern hours at massage school
this week and between that, work and Juliet, I hardly know what day it
is any more. School should be over on Sunday and then I have a short
week next week so I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with
Juliet and getting tons of fun pictures to share.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pretty in Pink

As it gets closer to Christmas it seems like each morning I'm running
later and later. Finally I've given up trying to be on time.....I'd
rather spend those few exta minutes with Juliet. I mean, how can you
resist that face?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Juliet & Santa

Late yesterday I took Juliet to go see Santa. She did so good, she
didn't cry or throw up on him......mostly because she got it all out
on me beforehand. She even smiled a few times and we were able to snap
this picture.

Santa said we had been good all year and would have a wonderful
Christmas. Thanks Santa!!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Baby Bear

All bundled up and ready to head out into the morning chill.

Such a big girl now

All stretched out in her crib now, almost four months later.

Itty Bitty

Juliet looks so small in the crib when we first brought her home.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Butterfly Wings

Juliet's getting better at holding onto the heavier toys now.

New toy, chew toy

> Juliet's getting better at holding onto the heavier toys, like this
> teething toy.

New toy, chew toy

Juliet's getting better at holding onto the heavier toys, like this
teething toy.

Do we have to go........

Juliet and I were both wishing we could stay home and cuddle on this
rainy Wednesday......

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

All Bundled Up

Warm, cozy and ready to go.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Doing Good!

Because of Juliet's tummy problems she hates doing tummy time and
screams like a crazy. I decided to get a tummy time mat to see if it
would help (lthe ittle pillow helps with pressure on the tummy). So
far she seems to like it and the toys help distract her.

Tummy Time!

Crazy Cat & Bunny Kisses

Happy Sunday!